Sundown Social

April 26th


Special Program – Gentlemanly Pursuits

06/18/2022 - 06/19/2022, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Though purchased at the price of others’ freedom, Dr. Anson Jones and his sons enjoyed a variety of gentlemanly pursuits in their leisure time, including card playing, hunting, and fishing. Join the world of the Jones men and try your luck at cards while sitting in the cool of the dogtrot of the house, or head to the field for a demonstration of the 1850s method for taking wild game with a muzzleloader shotgun! Games at the house ongoing, historic firearm demonstrations at 11am and 2pm. Contact Ben Baumgartner at or 936-878-2214 x248 for more information.

Location Map (Barrington Living History Farm)

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