Descendants of the Fearless Fifty-Nine, Jesse Grimes
“Descendants of the Fearless Fifty-Nine”
JESSE GRIMES by Fred Averill Burns, Jr.
My third great grandfather, Jesse Grimes, was born in Duplin County, North Carolina February 6, 1788. Jesse and my third great grandmother, Martha Smith, moved to Georgia and then to Alabama. Martha died in Alabama and Jesse remarried widow, Rosanna Ward Britton. In 1826 Jesse Grimes and family moved to Texas, first settling on the San Jacinto River, about ten miles above Galveston Bay. In the fall 1827 Jesse and family moved to land about 12 miles east of what is now Navasota, Texas. There he remained the rest of his life. In 1831 Mexico awarded him a league and labor encompassing this property. A large Texas Historical Monument marks the home-site.
As in Alabama, it did not take Jesse Grimes long to involve himself in public service.
A few of these positions and events include:
- 1829 – Elected lieutenant in the militia of San Felipe de Austin.
- 1830 – Elected sindico (judge) and regidor (alderman) of San Felipe de Austin.
- 1832 – Chosen to subcommittee and treasurer of Safety & Vigilance for Viesca District.
- 1835- elected to the Consultation of 1835.
- 1836- Chosen to represent the Washington Municipality in Convention of 1836.
- 1836 – Signed the Texas Declaration of Independence adopted March 2, and while there received a letter from Col. William B. Travis at the Alamo. Later, received word that his son. Albert Calvin Grimes, was killed at the Alamo on March 6th.
- Held many elected seats in Congress of the Republic of Texas and the Legislature of the State of Texas.
Jesse Grimes is buried at The Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas.Dr. Jack Maguire, Executive Director of the Institute of Texas Cultures, wrote, ” Jesse Grimes was the all-time champion of public office, having held a total of 30 different offices, by appointment or election, under eight different governments in three nations – The Republic of Mexico, The Republic of Texas and the United States.”
Photo is of Brian Fred Burns at the Jess Grimes home-site.