Sundown Social

April 26th


Descendants of the Fearless Fifty-Nine, Jesse Grimes

JESSE GRIMES by Ben Grimes & Margaret Morrison

We ran across an article from 1836. A man, Gwyn Morrison, grandson of John Morrison and Prudence Gwyn of Orange County, New York, was the county clerk of Montgomery, a part of Washington County, Texas. He went on to be a lawyer in Texas and participated in the battle of San Jacinto. Gwyn Morrison was the brother of John Morrison, great grandfather of Emmor Rae Morrison, father of Margaret Morrison. Now for the coincident information……Jesse Grimes, my three time great grandfather, was Chief Justice of the Montgomery area of Washington County, Texas and worked with, County Clerk Gwyn Morrison during his entire political life. Documents attest to this relationship. One hundred and twenty years later the families come together. I married Margaret Morrison in 1959 in Dallas, TX

Photo of Barbara Grimes Nordlund, Ben Grimes, Peggy Grimes, Betsy Grimes Schieber and Bob Grimes.