Sundown Social

April 26th


Emily Austin Bryan Perry

The other Austin woman that played a big part was Emily Austin Bryan Perry, sister to Stephen F. Austin. She came to Texas in 1831 with her husband and several children and became the mistress of Peach Point Plantation. She was the sole air of Moses Austin (her father) and Stephen F. Austin. After 1836, she inherited thousands of acres of Texas land, “of which she retained personal ownership.” She was considered the richest woman of Texas during the time period. Even though she was a victim of the doctrine of feme covert, the legal restriction that permitted her from entering into contracts without her husband’s consent, she “remained fully engaged in the affairs of Peach Point Plantation and utilized her unique status to influence all matters touching on her considerable amount of property.” When her brother was imprisoned in 1834 by Mexico, she worked tirelessly to get him released. After her husbands death, Emily took in boarders and opened a small dame school.

The information is taken from “Women and the Texas Revolution,” edited and chapter written by Mary L. Scheer.