Sundown Social

April 26th


Living History Saturday – Gamblers, Horse Racers & Sports of All Classes

04/06/2024, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Join us April 6 and experience the atmosphere of race day at Washington-on-the Brazos! Washington in the 1840s was home to all manner of gamblers, horse racers, and sports of all classes. The Jockey Club track in Washington became a popular location for folks to gamble and enjoy the breathtaking entertainment of horse racing. Lay bets on the horse races or the Faro table but beware, the Faro table may or may not be legal so watch out for the Sheriff! Listen to sensational newspaper stories of the great horse races of the 1840s, haggle with street peddlers as they sell their wares, and stop by the tavern and speak with the Tavern keeper. For questions about the program, contact, Tynan Shadle at or 936-878-2214 ext 224.

Location Map (Washington on the Brazos Site)

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