Sundown Social

April 26th


The Fearless Fifty-Nine, Albert Hamilton Latimer

Albert Hamilton Latimer was the 36 year old Pecan Point and vicinity representative. Latimer is said to have come to Texas in 1833 with a large caravan that included 11 of his brothers. He was not officially elected to the Convention but was one of the five delegates from Pecan Point. After the Convention, he was a representative in Texas Congress from 1840 to 1842. He participated in the Convention of 1845 that met to consider the annexation of Texas to the U.S. When the Civil War came around, he identified himself as a Unionist and was elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1866. He served as associate justice of the Texas Supreme Court after that until he resigned in 1869. From 1870 to 1872, he served as district judge of the Eighth District of Texas. Latimer was married 3 times and had 19 children before dying of cancer in 1877.