The Fearless Fifty-Nine, Augustine Blackburn Hardin
Augustine Blackburn Hardin was the 38 year old Liberty representative. Hardin was a deputy sheriff and constable in Maury County, Tennessee before coming to Texas. He moved to Texas in the fall of 1825 to escape prosecution after he fatally shot the man his wife was having an affair with. He was indicted for murder in December 1825 but no extradition occurred, despite requests from the U.S. He then received a land grant in 1831 in Texas. In the early years of the war, he was enlisted in a volunteer company that quelled the Fredonian Rebellion. After the Convention, he escorted the whole Hardin family to Louisiana during the Runaway Scrape. He then came back to Texas to serve in the Army from July 7 to October 7, 1836. Hardin spent the rest of his days ranching and doing other agricultural operations and was one of the founders of the Liberty Masonic Lodge.