The Fearless Fifty-Nine, Charles Stanfield Taylor
Charles Stanfield Taylor was the 28 year old Nacogdoches representative. Taylor moved to Texas in 1828 after emigrating from England that same year. He opened up a mercantile business in Nacogdoches. While in Nacogdoches, he participated in the battle of Nacogdoches and represented it in the Convention of 1832. In 1835, he was appointed land commissioner for San Augustine and issued land titles until the Revolution began. After the Convention, he and his family fled to Louisiana during the Runaway Scrape where two of his 13 children died due to exposure. He returned in late 1836 to be appointed chief justice of Nacogdoches in December. He had a run of bad luck between 1838 and 1845 where he his nomination to run the boundary line between Texas and U.S. was withdrawn, was appointed district attorney but then it was not confirmed and was defeated for a position in Congress by three votes. By 1850 though, he was elected county treasurer of Nacogdoches County until 1854. Taylor was once again appointed chief justice of Nacogdoches from 1860 until his death in 1865.