Sundown Social

April 26th


The Fearless Fifty-Nine, Sydney O. Penington

Sydney O. Penington was the 27 year old Shelby representative. Penington moved to Texas in 1834 where he engaged in surveying in Shelby County. At the beginning of the war, he enrolled in a company of volunteers for the Texas Army and was soon elected second lieutenant. He was honorably discharged from the army in December 1835 after participating in the siege of Bexar. After the Convention, he joined the Jasper Volunteers in March of 1836 and then the San Augustine Volunteers in April 1836. Soon after he became a representative in the Texas Congress from October 1836 to June 1837. He died in October 1837.

The picture is a monument the Texas Centennial Commission erected at his grave in 1936. The spelling of his name is disputed but many believe it is in fact Penington with one n instead of how it is spelled on this monument.