Sundown Social

April 26th


Texas State Insect – Monarch Butterfly

The Monarch Butterfly was adopted as the Texas state insect on June 16, 1995. Monarch butterflies pass through Texas twice a year during their migrations north and south. The butterflies hibernate in the mountains of Mexico until early spring when they awaken and head north to Canada. On the way though, they stop in Texas and other southern states to lay their eggs. Generations of the butterflies continue to be born along the migration path until the fourth generation stops in Texas to rest and feed in August on their way back down to Mexico. This special insect is able to avoid many predators because the milkweed plant they eat contains a form of poison that makes the butterfly taste bad to birds and critters. The legislature says, “The monarch butterfly is as beautiful and memorable as a Texas sunset, soaring above all other insects in its nobility and determination, and its unique relationship with Texas makes it a truly appropriate symbol of the majestic spirit of the Lone Star State.” In late April, a Monarch butterfly garden was planted at WOB with caterpillars quickly showing up as part of the migration. Be sure to come by in August to see their return and again next spring when the process starts all over again.